Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our online shop.

If you're interested in including Handsome Tool Company products in your retail location, would like to discuss designing your ideal tool, or letting us know how our tools are working for you, we look forward to hearing from you.

-Sten & Lauren

203 804 3774

Handsome Tool Company online shop.



A shop within a shop. Handsome Tool Co. products are made with the same discerning eyes and hands that build furniture and carve architectural ornaments at
Oak & Laurel Workshop


Our Workshop

is inside a 19th century textile mill on the Saco River. This part of town is referred to as "The Heart of Biddeford."  

2 Main Street Building 15 Suite 103
Biddeford, Maine 04005

Open for visitors by appointment

Handsome Tools are Proudly
Made in Maine.