For the craftsman, the carver and the do-it-yourself-er!
Joiner's Mallet
Joiner's Mallet
The hammer: Relatively unchanged throughout human history. A stick with something heavy on the end for whacking stuff. This is about as pure a tool as there is along side edge tools. Our classic hand turned wood mallet will be a useful and handsome addition to your workbench. It will look great hanging on your tool wall to boot. Use it with chisels, assembling joinery, aligning wood during glue-ups, knocking wooden and metal parts apart or into place, etc. One face is covered with thick leather for striking more delicate surfaces without damage. At around 12 oz, this is more lightweight mallet for all-around work. The solid maple head is 2.5” diameter with an ash handle.
Hand finished with a warm traditional shellac and wax.